
11.07 2023



Assay establishment and validation of a high‑throughput organoid‑based drug screening platform Background: Organoids are three-dimensional structures that closely recapitulate tissue architecture and cellular composition, thereby holding great promise for organoid-based drug screening. Although growing in three-dimensional provides the possibility for organoids to recapitulate main features of corresponding tissues, it makes it incommodious for imaging organoids in two-dimensional and identifying surviving organoids from surrounding dead cells after organoids being treated by irradiation or chemotherapy. Therefore, significant work remains to establish highquality controls to standardize organoid analyses and make organoid models more reproducible.

Methods: In this study, the Z-stack imaging technique was used for the imaging of three-dimensional organoids to gather all the organoids’ maximum cross sections in one imaging. The combination of live cell staining fluorescent dye Calcein-AM and ImageJ assessment was used to analyze the survival of organoids treated by irradiation or chemotherapy.

Results: We have established a novel quantitative high-throughput imaging assay that harnesses the scalability of organoid cultures. Using this assay, we can capture organoid growth over time, measure multiple whole-well organoid readouts, and show the different responses to drug treatments.

Conclusions: In summary, combining the Z-stack imaging technique and fluorescent labeling methods, we established an assay for the imaging and analysis of three-dimensional organoids. Our data demonstrated the feasibility of using organoid-based platforms for high-throughput drug screening assays.

Keywords: Organoid, Z-stack, Fluorescence, High-throughput, Drug screening

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